the holographic world and how it works. YOU ARE LIGHT, projecting your thoughts on to the screen of life we call REALITY.
I read a really cool post today by FRATER SEAMUS, concerning A.I. generated images, and how it may be used to bring dead Musicians back to life. Reading this article prompted me to share the work of a Dutch Man who has been writing about Holographic reality for some time now, and how it works. Martin Vrijland.
First enjoy Frater Seamus’s post from today:
Here is the response I left on his post, I think you will find Martin Vrijland’s work very interesting. SUMMER READING, if anything! Perhaps It is a great work of fiction, mystery and adventure into the possibility of WHERE WE ARE, and WHO WE ARE. OR MAYBE IT IS GETTING TO THE TRUTH! You decide!
Martin Vrijland already proposes we are in a holographic COPY world, enclosed in a dome. I find his theory plausible. We are in an electro magnetic based reality, and surrounded by plasma, Plasma is the medium that all energy travels through. It is the ETHER, it allows for the flow of consciousness/energy to cause the experience of interaction and communication and connection between all of us who experience this reality. It's very real, yet it is only a holographic experience.
Our bodies are projectors.. We are literally LIGHT, and we project our thoughts onto the medium of Plasma that acts like a movie screen. Our imagination, our consciousness, is THOUGHT itself. and is what is the CODE that creates the Material world. The world we see within the HOLOGRAM.
What is real is the fact that we EXPERIENCE IT, we feel it, we respond to it, we are affected by it, and in turn we cause effects. HIs website is in Dutch so you will have to take the links and put them in google translate to read in your Native language.
Every article he has published about the simulation and how it works.
The vast PLANE of EXISTENCE that our Simulation domes exist on
Maybe this is how they plan on bringing holographic Jesus back? Just sayin.....
My husband wrote a song about the dome you describe. It’s almost finished, and soon I’ll share it with you Karafree! Thank you for writing this, it’s intriguing to consider.