deletedMar 29Liked by Karafree
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Beautiful ♥️💐🌱

::dreams of sunroom filled with Japanese Maples::

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Scary good photos.

If it's not a trade secret: what's your camera and do you use any after effects to get those colors to pop?

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Yes. I am a tree hugger.

Yes. I do talk to plants like: Hold my coat, would you. Thanks.

Plants prepping for an eclipse. You've got a sense of humor.

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"Traumatin is a plant hormone produced in response to wound. Traumatin is a precursor to the related hormone traumatic acid. "

Plants respond to injury.

Acacia being grazed on by antelope will release a pheromone that can signal other acacia a half a mile away to increase their tannins to make the leaves unpalatable for grazers.

Some flowers are adapted to birds of only one species that have a long enough beak to pollinate them. Other flowers trick things like bees to try to mate with them via mimicry.

There's a lot of interdependency.

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Beautiful!! Love this piece and your pics, Kara! Love that Wisteria.

I remember being blown away when I read The Secret Life of Plants in my early 20's. The experiments they conducted showed they are so conscious and intelligent. I love the notion that they are farming us for food. ;)

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Plants are soo much smarter than given credit for.

Lawn cutting & weed control are 2 of the biggest SCAMS on nature!

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Mar 29Liked by Karafree

Beautiful pictures Kara! Thank you for sharing them. 💖

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Thanks for sharing great work. From river of Rus, дереврня or derevnia is the word for will-age. Literally it means on wood, "place from wood". It could be that those who build wooden will-ages have no-ledge of how to connect to wood wide web.

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Mar 30Liked by Karafree

I have always viewed plants, particularly plants and fungi of the forrest a co-beings of light. And their intelligence exists as a sort of mesh network. The leaves are an antenna collecting energy from cosmic sources, and the earth’s biome and atmospheric resonances. The roots bring nutrients for local processing and also radiate those above energies into the earth. I think animals can tap into that network. I know I can hear and feel it speaking. And I try to understand and reciprocate but feel I’m inadequate to the task. Such as it is when seeking wisdom from an ancient being I suppose. Most humans have lost the keys and protocols to access.

I also think that the forrest and its canopy can protect us from emf. But it does not do so without damage. My hope is it repairs itself faster than the assault can play out. Ultimately our fate may be in its hands.

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Gorgeous! Both photos of the nature surrounding you and your words. I appreciate you sharing your beauty and wisdom, and I’m happy I found you through your recent interview with Jacqueline! Excellent, you have a new fan. 🤗💞💫💞

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These photos along with the write up are incredible. All are very beautiful. I think we are connected to nature and plants for all the reasons you mentioned. I especially find a a lot of fulfillment working outside in nature trying to grow plants. So there has to be a connection there. Maybe some people have the connection more developed than others?

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