edit: looks like the video is not working if viewing it from your cell phone!
The River
I am my own river,
progressing along my own current,
creating my own tributaries,
Returning to the Ocean, the wholeness of ALL LIFE.
Within us is infinite potential,
like the Ocean depths, what can we discover about ourselves deep within.
We are the river realizing our individuated potential,
being part of collectives is our big mistake, trapped in reservoirs, we are caught within the collective, waiting for release from authorities who try to claim control over our imaginative and creative forces.
As we flow down the river of life, and come upon any log jams it is surely the miss-
guidance of collective thought patterns, which catch us in whirlpools, dizzying our intuition and stalling the flow of our creative endeavors.
The waterfalls are outpourings of exuberant Living energy of higher potential (think of the salmon flying up the rushing current of living liquid energy to seed new life in the waters above)
The descent downwards of this living water brings energy and new creation into lower dimensions of reality constructs with fresh life-giving ideas.
See tributaries as the roads less traveled, but filled with adventure, and hidden treasures created specifically by you and for you.
Song by Xavier Rudd
You will breeze in, fresh air that you are,
They will inhale you deep into their lungs.
They will exhale you as far as you may go
and you will touch their souls.
Imagine yourself floating away,
imagine the tiniest little pixi people
Rub the ocean in your face
Imagine your feet had never touched the eart
Imagine you are flying above the whole human race
just gliding above it all.
You will breeze in, fresh air that you are,
They will inhale you deep into their lungs.
They will exhale you as far as you may go
and you will touch their souls.
Imagine you were dreaming in a bed
of fresh green leaves
and you awoke to a shining sun
the good people of the world all free.
You will breeze in, fresh air that you are,
They will inhale you deep into their lungs.
They will exhale you as far as you may go
and you will touch their souls.
Now you're leaving home
ya got ya business to do
hollow as an old log and I'm thinking of you
so many times and years
well they seem so much less
we were truly blessed!
You will breeze in, fresh air that you are,
They will inhale you deep into their lungs.
They will exhale you as far as you may go
and you will touch their souls.
Beautiful imagery!!! We are all our own river!….Do we all meet at sea? :-). Rivers end at sea merging with salt water.
So much symbolism in river water. I feel closer to “sea”, but this write up speaks to me in another manner.
No where else then walking or sitting near river flow watching or listening I find me so close with my self.