THIS SUMMER I TOOK A RIDE ON A ‘TRAIN OF THOUGHT’ In this post I would like to share what came to mind.
Enjoy the video, and read along below
An awakened person is someone who knows he is not the character he is playing, but the one who is Quietly observing reality. The awakened person knows not to react to the world he witnesses but sees NOW, how to be the CREATOR of the world he wants to experience. Karafree
This is the summer I decided to put the Idea “Thoughts create reality to the test” early on I was encouraged when synchronicities kept popping up, something someone said, an object/item, or event would show up after thinking about it, or I would get a call from someone I had planned to call. Obsessing over a certain outcome would cause some hoped for outcomes to fail, plans changed, But, also plans worked out with a few variations. It was an exciting summer, as if I was on my own Celestine prophecy adventure. If you do not know what a Celestine prophecy is, I am referring to the book written by James Redfield, about a spiritual adventure containing numerous synchronicities that led him down a path to awakening, and the discovery of hidden spiritual knowledge. It seemed like every day, I was being led to investigate the nature of reality, in turn, many people showed up in my life to indulge me in conversation about reality. I began to zero in on a few topics, especially the Nature of Consciousness, What I found is the evidence that we are in a simulation it is EVERYWHERE, it is EVERYTHING
Please follow along with the video, for illustrations and if you like listening over reading.
I coined a phrase:
HUH? What the heck is that, You might ask. It was a phrase I had been throwing around for a good part of the last year, but now I was ready to delve into explaining what I meant by this odd term.
I would like to start with a simple question. How many ideas that you have in a day can you claim as original to you? Have you given yourself a few minutes to ponder this? If you have come up with a thought that originates with you, go to google search and type that thought in and see if there is someone out there who has also/already thought the same thing and shared it…
What did you find?
I personally find it challenging to claim that any of my thoughts originate with me, because if I think about it for a minute most of my thoughts originated from something I heard before. One day though I was thinking once again about the act of Thinking and thinking’s relationship to consciousness, and the thought “The Con of sciousness” popped into my Awareness. (The experience of it POPPING into my consciousness is something worth questioning as well, don’t you think? How does something just POP into your consciousness?)
Today, using google search I typed in that phrase, “The Con of sciousness” and I found one link… Haha to my own comment on a sub stack post.
What is your response when someone asks you to describe yourself, or asks you who you are? I ask this because how many of us, if given a minute to reflect on who we really are would suddenly have difficulty in saying Who we really are. Do most of you describe what you do? Do you point out the role you play, like; I am a Doctor, I am a parent, I am an artist?
This writing is my exploration, spanning the last 30 years, into the most consequential and enormous, immensely significant question I think Man has ever asked: “What is Consciousness”. My exploration didn’t go into serious mode till about 15 years ago when I bumped into Tom Campbell on youtube, and from there got his book: My Big T.O.E. and literally read it in one day. Before Tom Campbell showed up on my consciousness screen, Along with him I read the book Holographic reality written by Michael Talbot. It was his writing that launched me on a journey of discovery that I am actively still pursuing today. Before finding these 2 very interesting authors and reality researchers I had been meditating on the ideas of Advaita Vedanta, and the idea that reality is an illusion, or a dream. So, when Tom pointed to the idea of a virtual reality world, and Michael described it as being holographic in Nature I was intrigued. I could see a correlation, or an explanation as to why the world could and would be described as an Illusion. Virtual Reality or simulation made perfect sense to me.
It brought into focus HOW there must be an observer watching this reality or this dream play out.
When sitting down to write this, I was reviewing ideas I had written over 5 years ago, here is what I thought then, and what I feel even stronger about as heading towards truth today.
Consciousness is part of the player's avatar programming.. The real you, the one wearing the headset is AWARENESS, we as the player wearing the headset must realize that we are subjected to this GAME Programming. Levels of consciousness are levels of the game, in other words, levels of knowledge of information programs. I am literally conveying here that Consciousness is Programming. It is CODE, it is information.
YOU ARE THE AWARENESS that is MORE THAN THIS CONSCIOUSNESS PROGRAMMING. It's become clear that when we say Mind is all there is, or Energy is all there is, or Thought Creates Reality, that we are saying, consciousness programs are “ALL THERE IS”... BUT this is only true in the game.. outside of the game you are the AWARENESS that if you real eyezed it you would have beat the consciousness programs and done exactly what you wanted to do within the game! I will develop this idea as we go.
I call this consciousness the CON of sciousness... the CON OF KNOWING... Within the game you are subjected to the information that is provided you in the game. THIS IS THE CON... the knowing that is the all and surrounds us in the game is simply IN FORMED a tion, or a Formed condition of code. WE are surrounded by CODE. which we call MIND, or ENERGY of Consciousness. IT is NOT who we really are, it is just code.
(who is evolving? My observation is that it is the consciousness programs of the game, the simulation that is evolving.. NOT you who in truth Is WHOLENESS)
The Concept of Virtual reality opened an entire new window or a vista in to seeing what the Nature of consciousness could really be. Think of all the ways that philosophers and scientists, artists and poets have looked at REALITY to get to the answer to what Consciousness is.
Here’s a comprehensive list:
Say before each word,
A Dream world
A Simulation
A Simulacrum
Made of Parallel worlds
Many lives, or reincarnations
Many of these theories on the nature of reality hold a great deal in common. Each of them shares properties, and connections with all the other terms.
When we describe Consciousness we speak of its Nature, we are defining its attributes, its characteristics, and its properties without ever really getting to the ENTIRE- All Encompassing- ABSOLUTE about what it is. Realizing this and using all the concepts of what reality is/or might be, has led me to consider that consciousness is PROGRAMMING. I’ll say that again,
Consciousness is PROGRAMMING
And programming is what has us Trapped and controlled within this reality, it is what many of us are waking up to as CODE. Everything is scripted and it is all programming code, meant to keep you here in this reality and TEACHING “IT” by way of your CREATIVE IMAGINATION.
Before we go any further here let’s look at the etymology of the word Consciousness.
Con- With, thoroughly, together. con is short for Latin contrā "opposite, against," an argument or evidence in opposition; contrary,
Scious- adjective, having knowledge, to know, knowledge within oneself. Self-aware.
Ness -suffix meaning: state, condition, quality,
When using the prefix or root con with scious it is implied that we are using the pro or ‘with’ in relation to knowledge, but with all the spell casting, word play, and deceit our creators of language apply, I find it intriguing that the term begins with a CON. Who created the WORD? Who created Language, why does language pair with numbers? I am sure many of you reading this are familiar with Gematria and numerology, and even that biblical statement: FIRST WAS THE WORD and the Word was God.
What/who exactly is “With” knowing?
Thinking of the terms above about what reality is or might be I have some questions and a possible answer to those questions.
If Reality is an illusion, what are we AWARE of? Could it be a program; a movie playing on a screen.
Who is the “we”? I think we are observing this simulated Hologram through an Avatar. The Avatar is programmed to follow a certain script. Evidence of this script is in Astrology, the Tarot, numerology and gematria. (our DNA) The scripted character is none other than EGO. BUT, who you really are is Always present and AWARE. Who you really are just may be what we call the Subconscious mind. But in using the term subconscious leads us back to what I think is programming. This is where we come to understand that You being AWARENESS has gone on autopilot, so even the subconscious is just another data base of information. The information that is being stored through experience. Who you are is not the ego, and not the Subconscious, BUT
*AWARENESS of these programs playing out.*
What is real?
The Awareness that observes the programs, codes, data, is the REAL YOU.
You are the AWARENESS viewing the simulated holographic world made up of consciousness programs.
It’s been my observation that what we have been told about life and reality is mostly wrong, backwards or opposite from the TRUTH… having said that, lets examine this example I found about what we have been told about consciousness and awareness. If we are living in a Simulated Reality then…
I See the above example the other way around. Let me explain. Awareness (who we really are) sees the illusion or virtual scene and simply observes it. Consciousness programs kick in and start defining it with Words or codes, forming a mindset, and confirming or establishing Avatar programming, The Avatar is learning how to perceive. The Avatar has a limited and defined view of the illusion it is experiencing. Awareness as Observer, remains neutral, has no definition, no controlled perception.
Wait a minute here, I said the avatar has a restricted and defined view of reality, due to programming limitations. If we are Observers of a simulation and we are experiencing reality through an Avatar, what does that make the avatar? A simulation within a simulation perhaps? (thank you @artermix, for suggesting the simulation within the simulation and @Jeanettically modified with the G-host in the machine idea) But even more profound, Does that make the Avatar an Artificial Intelligence? ARE WE EXPERIENCING REALITY through ARTIFCIAL INTELLIGENCE PROGRAMMING? Well, that is what I am exploring here, as I contemplate HOW it is that THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY.
We are AWARENESS experiencing a simulated world we are dreaming dreams within dreams until we WAKE UP and RE MEMBER who we really are, it is in the True waking up that we become powerful within the dream world of Simulation…
In our simulated, holographic reality we use a term called lucid Dreaming when we “WAKE UP” in the dream and know that we are in a dream. What is waking up? It is the avatar, I suggest that it is the consciousness program coming back on line. To better explain, I suggest that the AVATAR sleeps so that the system can update. While the Avatar is asleep, a program processes the experiences the AVATAR has had through a looping of reality reels, using the AVATAR’S codes and embedded scripts represented often symbolically. The Avatar is dreaming, while the AWARENESS or who we really are has put down the virtual reality goggles and walked away from the simulation. Or perhaps, the AWARENESS aka Who we really are is reviewing the game experience, and it is playing out in the sleep state of the AVATAR. Another way of saying this is that the AVATAR is suspended, while AWARENESS reviews what the AVATAR has recorded during the Time the AWARENESS was actively ‘playing,’ engaging in the simulation game through the AVATAR. Confused?? Yes, so am I to be honest… LOL.
How is this dream occurring and who is doing this thinking? Again, I suggest a program.
I quote Bernardo Kastrup
“Deep within, in a way that isn't self-reflective, there is that intuition that you aren't really this character you seem to be playing in this story.” Bernardo Kastrup
David Bohm calls reality,
The Holomovement, we are all waves/fractals contributing to the ONE Never Ending Story.
“Only nothing is real” Bernardo Kastrup
If Consciousness is a program that cons “us” into thinking that Reality is REAL, that reality exists in tangible and physical form and makes us believe that what we are experiencing, including ourselves, is a real event, a solid, objective entity that is knowable, well doesn’t that fit with a Simulation, an hallucination, a hologram, a dream, a thought in a mind that doesn’t even exist?
Oh and about that “US”… right! Who is being conned? To answer who the US is, or the I is, is of course the biggest challenge, because we cannot be defined by consciousness if consciousness is a con. In other words, we cannot be defined by our “knowledge” of self, our self awareness or even by the fact that we think we are thinking. For all we know we are just defining a program. Are we thinking or is the program thinking?
What is the Ego,
If we are in a simulation, would it make sense to you that you came in with a script? If so then who is the real you? This is what is hidden from us, who and what we truly are. Yet throughout all civilizations, since the beginning of man, we have been aware of a self that is more than this human body. A Self that is Aware of this experience and is the Watcher, or the Observer. This Awareness resides within the human body, the Avatar, the biological living organism. This self is referred to as the Spirit, or the higher consciousness. I have trouble with that term higher consciousness in relation to the Awareness observing this reality. We also use the term, Soul. My pondering leads me to the idea that the Soul is the higher consciousness, but here’s the catch; the Soul is the higher level of programming that keeps the EGO CHARACTER on its path in this reality. WOW think about that for a minute.
WE come into this simulation, or simulacrum which is a copy of a real reality, or what I think makes the most sense is: A Holographic construct. In this case who you really are is disguised within this simulation as a character. The Character you play, could be based on who you really are, yet, while here you will be limited or challenged in the character role, and you will always be guided to complete your goal, or play out the script that you came to play.
An awakened person is someone who knows he is not the character he is playing, but the one who is Quietly observing reality. The awakened person knows not to react to the world he witnesses but sees NOW, how to be the CREATOR of the world he wants to experience.
We are Genuine and Authentic living Minds that imbue Creation with Imagination. That is our power in this experience to IMAGE IN our dream, our talent, our truth, our desire...more to come in following posts.
If you are still on my train of thought, than sit tight, as we pull into the station for a break. The next leg of the trip I will explore the Idea more of Holographic reality, the nature of projection and the “energy” that THOUGHTS really are.
For now take some time to contemplate the Great THEMES that have been presented to us since time began
What we call
Which as we are coming to understand is just an illusion. A very persistent one as Albert Einstein stated.
When you understand this, you real EYEZ , real lies, we LIvE in a holographic light show. What you THINK is projected on to the holographic screen we call life, or the material world.
Your thoughts create your REELity.(train of thought RAIL) It is all an illusion
You are not the thoughts, you are the AWARENESS that Observes this Light show!
You are not the conscious programmed identity you pretend to be, YOU are Awareness that is observing the holographic show, pretending to be the story you are immersed in.
Stay tuned, or should I say stay on board. This train of thought, has many more destinations,
Imagination and Image IN.
What is a dream
Artificial intelligence
The Annunaki and the “story” Of genetic engineering
What is biological life
What really is the Avatar
What is a HUE-MAN
What is water (a stream or current of information)
What is a HOLOGRAM and how is our world Holographic
Light Beings are Energy Beings, what does that mean
Why germs and terrain are both true in a holographic reality
The black box scrying tool, or the Tell A vision.
The cell phone
There is no magnetism in Electro magnetism
A preview into where my train of thought is headed:
Is technology simply a mirror of Who we really are
Technology is Artificial Intelligence mimicking who we truly are.
The only thing we know for sure about who we really are is that we are creative intelligence using Imagination to build a world that “Matters”
Imagination is the Act of Imaging IN… Holographic Technology is the means by which Our Imagination is projected as light and appears as the physical World.
Many thanks to those who showed up along my journey, for your THOUGHTS.,,,,
ps…it was the way the links worked that some appear more prominent then the others. I appreciated the conversations, and the questions that everyone provided. And really I am grateful for everyone in my life, here on the stack and elsewhere, for all your ‘input”
Sorry for not contributing much to this thread. I have been following it .....there is a lot to say on everyone comments.
Starting from pain.
Pain is a physical thing we all experience differently. So people the new age ones will say that pain can be managed mentally. Tell that to the person who was given pain by an external factor. That is what makes reality.....tangible sensations and feelings.
Dreams rarely have this type of dreams we experience mental pain as in amxiety.
So to me reality is the materialization of the dream ......if the pain is tangible the dream becomes a nightmare .
This is the only part that truly anchors me to there is a reality in an AGUMENTED SIMULATION.
This is when you have material tangible realm and an illusion like am hologram.
I share the same train of thoughts.
I fully support the idea that we are a form of A.I. and consciousness is programming. But if it is true and all is coded then everything is pre