I do take an alternative view to the "reality is a simulation" opinion.

Simulation theory raises many questions, the primary one being what the result of such theorizing might be. The result, of course, is to breed a distrust of perception. The notion of a simulation creates a world where nothing is true, and so now we are back to Socrates who could debunk everything, yet prove nothing as true.

There are more effective ways to illustrate the principle of the incomplete material besides merely negating perception.

I think it was the author Philip K. Dick who first articulated the image of reality as a hologram. I believe he described reality as a hologram within a hologram, where time moved in multiple independant streams. While this image is compelling, there are multiple issues with this model, in that the holographic nature he speaks of isn't, because it doesn't contain everything.

You can prove this to yourself with your own dreams.

I have never been a fan of the notion that thoughts create reality, because thought itself must needs always be a subset. Look, don't you always think of something?-I rest my case.

The Thought of Noreia is a supplication to the infinite Divine. This in itself proves it is fundamental to maintaining, not creating!

Now, with all that said I must point out something else that is central to modern speculations on reality...

We Are Not Gods.

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What is God?

We are constantly being deceived through programming, false beLIEfs, and the limited senses of the Machine body, or Avatar to navigate this reality.

It is David Bohm who I turn to when exploring Holographic reality. Michael Talbot, did a very good job explaining David Bohm's theory. The implicate and explicate order.

I am exploring exactly what is happening that we 'always think of something'. How do thoughts pop into our brains, our awareness? I think it is through consciousness programming. While there is an AWARENESS, who we really are that is the Player in this human biological Machine, I call an Avatar. There are 2 kinds of thoughts. The programmed ones that are coded into the Avatar, or the Character we play in this simulation, and there are the thoughts that unfold from Who WE REALLY ARE, what I call AWARENESS.

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What is God is a question that is raised from a specific point of view, which arranges the visual spectrum into a picture according to incarnation, but there are also other places from which to question the phenomenon of Source.

Today philosophers reject source, they say there is no such thing.

Yet in this they ignore their own faculty of organizing, pretend the way of learning doesn't exist, yet the ancients already saw into chaos, and truth.

Today, there is no imperative, anyone can believe as they may, whatever for them is sufficient. I can honestly claim that the God one refers to in an abrahamic sense is nothing to pay homage to. It is the unrealized, the unmanifest that is reached by going around abrahamic lies where the majesty of the great ocean exists.

Scientists are not mystics.

Science must serve whoever pays. Its inquiry is always in relation to estimated profits, but the mystic dances with the mighty forces simply because they live.

Thought is for most just the residue of their day, supported by emotion, connected to their power of abstraction, whether it is strong or weak.

Thought in exalted, divine sense is something else for those of us looking from here.

So, are there then levels, experientials, in thought? I have proven to myself there are.


There are those who say the avatars of Lord Kalki already walk this plane, and I am one of them.

Others say that this place is where the only reality is real.

I can attest that such a suggestion is stupid.

Therefore in a sense where one feels the flow of the river, emanation, there is more to the self, to perception, and this intuitive apprehension is directly liked to the impression that everything, including oneself is more than meets the eye.

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You have many thoughts and opinions, as do we all, who are searching to understand reality.

Thought is never free because it is based on knowledge, and knowledge is always limited. Jiddu Krishnamurti

I have the next two weeks of solitude, up in the mountains to read the messages of J.D. Krishnamurti, whom I have admired for a very long time.

It’s beautiful to be alone. To be alone does not mean to be lonely. It means the mind is not influenced and contaminated by society. Jiddu Krishnamurti

and one quote that has truly hit home for me:

“I maintain that truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organization be formed to lead or to coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that, then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others”

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We all need explanations. Explanations don't have to be theories of everything, straining to encompas every detail, but they have to work, and they have to be rooted in what is practical for the person employing them.

The further along I go, the more disiclined I become to entertain the concepts that are popular in society. This is especially true when I deal with science. I have both lived and seen the effects of science, and I don't have any faith that science is on the side of life. I touch on this in a recent piece...


My take on standard, popular religion is similar to Krishnamurti's.

The mystic does have thoughts and opinions. This must be the case to develop any sort of rudder to navigate through the kind of experiences one finds themselves in. Without a structure, madness and chaos become the rule. The difference between say-abrahamic religion and the mystic, is that the mystic need never solidify and dogmatize their way, they can keep their explanation responsive and living. That is what I attempt to do.

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Holographic reality makes the most sense to me. Ultimately it is describing a projection. For me, investigating an explanation is very important, while dogma can keep a person stuck in their "beLIEfs" and not seeing an even bigger picture, I enjoy the deep investigation and I will do it till I've answered as many questions as possible.

It's very clear to me that those who control us have done so by conditioning us through our thoughts. Thoughts play an important role in producing the projection wished to be beLIEved in. Holographic nature projects these thoughts on to our screens of perception. So yes, it is important not to "solidify" anyone else's truth, not even your own, but to OBSERVE it all as I have stated in this post, many times.

To be the Observer, to stay in Awareness of the projection, to REAL-EYES this is a show.

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Sep 18·edited Sep 18Liked by Karafree

I've already explained some of my reservations to the holograph theory, including its failures to explain living, dynamic systems. I haven't discussed its failure in regards to time, but it is there.

Science has become a religion, and its equations are seen as divine utterings, yet there is an entire realm existing of which science knows nothing.

That said, the ways of science are the road to popular acceptance. It holds just the right authority to entrance the masses and it gives those with big brains something to do.

I'm not attacking anyone who enjoys holographic theory. It is there for those who find it works. My entire point here has only been to illustrate that there are other perspectives from outside the matrix.

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A very thought provoking read Kara. After decades of rumination and study on the matter I have come to the conclusion that trying to understand one's consciousness is a little like trying to look at the back of your own head without the aid of a mirror. LOl

That being said, I never stop trying, I can see that it is an obsession with you as well. I got a kick out of you mentioning Tom Campbell and his Big TOE, I went down that rabbit hole myself and found Tom's thoughts to be quite exhilarating.

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I love your description of the difficulty in understanding who we are. LOL.

It is an obsession, I guess it's one of those good addictions??

Tom is one of those people that I was fascinate with at first, and then hated what he was saying as I went along. I think he has a lot of ideas that just don't jive with me.. The Entropy thing, and learning lessons, he tends to ignore all the extreme pain and suffering. But i do give hi credit for opening my eyes to this idea of simulation. I am much more in line with the Holographic Universe theory, of David Bohm.

I have to wonder, why it is that when people meditate they are trying to reach a cessation of all thought, and disconnect from Consciousness... If Consciousness is all there is, and Consciousness is how we think and navigate this reality, the very thing we are told we have to reach higher levels of... This question and the concept that we are in a simulation, brings me to why consciousness isn't all that we are told it is.

Good to know Frater, you as well are committed to figuring this out too, never stop trying...I always enjoy your writings, and your thoughts!!

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Sorry for not contributing much to this thread. I have been following it .....there is a lot to say on everyone comments.

Starting from pain.

Pain is a physical thing we all experience differently. So people the new age ones will say that pain can be managed mentally. Tell that to the person who was given pain by an external factor. That is what makes reality.....tangible sensations and feelings.

Dreams rarely have this type of sensations...in dreams we experience mental pain as in amxiety.

So to me reality is the materialization of the dream ......if the pain is tangible the dream becomes a nightmare .

This is the only part that truly anchors me to there is a reality in an AGUMENTED SIMULATION.

This is when you have material tangible realm and an illusion like am hologram.

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About once every 20 years I've had a 'dream' that was actually non-intrusive and pleasant.

Everything else for the entire duration of this game has been an unmitagatedtotalfuckingnightmare.

So, within your system of trying to work out the difference between 'reality' and 'dreams', how would you explain that the world of the SIM that I am suffering in is an intolerable psycho circus and when my system goes offline the alternatives is an intolerable pscyho circus?

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We don't know what's on the other side. I can only intuit that because I can and have been capable of creating and experiencing beauty here that it exists on the other side. I can intuit that whatever i can do here is a copy of what is much more grand and beautiful outside of this.

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My version goes like this: THEY tell us that the afterlife is a horrible place with eternal torment. But opposite day says that they are liars and that is what we are going through right now, so the inverse is that it must be OK on the udder side because they are so terrified of it they want to live forever - HERE.

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well that depend on the religion….you could go to the virgin heaven in Islam or the or Valhalla (Norse mythology) or the Hindu reincarnation cycle (hopefully you will not reincarnate in the goat recently raped by eight men)….so it is a matter of shopping around the one that fancy the most your mind.

Christianity was never attractive and that is why was never popular and had to be forced upon the ass.

I think for those who want to live forever things are different because the dark side tales tell another story…..basically you make a deal with some demonic entity and then you pay with the debt of that entity getting your soul. Sounds like the banking system on earth if you ask me.

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Mephistophlese Bank and Trust.

Makes sense.

I didn't like any of them, so I made up my own religion:

Church of The Mechanic.


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But the strange thing is it is THEY who genocide us. What about that?

Are you saying that for them the other side is annihilation? So at least here they are A LIvE a LIE V is the inverted pyramid, or the downward sign.

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Yes. Thesis/Anti-Thesis.

What do we require?

Clean air, water, food, soil, unfiltered sun.

What do they require?

apparently everything OPPOSITE on that list. So if they are claiming that doom and gloom await outside of the Hollow Gram, then by extension it must be freaking fantastic and would be PURE POISON to them because THEY have been poisoning OUR BIOSPHERE.

They're cultivating vaccines and industrial chemicals in PLANTS for gossling's sake. NOTHING is left alone which is why I call it Biocide.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Author

what do they require... you've reminded me of the idea that This Hologram simulation or whatever it is, has been injected with a parasite, hijacked by a virus, something that wants to live off the system and in doing so is polluting it, leaving its waste everywhere. They are terra forming the environment. I have many more thoughts on this. Could we be Aliens who came to this biosphere, The Avatar is our space suit? Did the Annunaki, tamper with our Space Suit aka our avatar? Are there more aliens who have come to this biosphere called Earth, who are now trying to get rid of us?

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Have to comment about halfway through or I will forget what I thought when I thought it.

We are in agreement that Awareness sees the entire picture. My Conned Science saw: Mountains; hate mountains, too much work. Lake. Water, hate getting wet. Trees. Trees are cool. Sky; Cirrus clouds hostile cold at 40,000 feet.

Both of these happened at the same time. Since I exist in Continuum when I saw just the picture I took it in as its totality at face value with no code/deconstruction. But concurrently with that my unsuppressible analysis looked merely for threats and avoidance.

That approach reinforces the notion that we are in a video game since games are based on prescripted presented problems and the problem solving needed to overcome them.

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You hate mountains? You hate water?? C’mon Patrick you are just not a fun farm boy!! ;-)

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Air too thin.

Too much effort to walk.

Don't mind looking at them from the bottom.

Water too wet.

I'm the guy that would eat salty crackers in a desert.

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well I am a masochist I self inflict pain so I guess that makes me crazy like the “creators”. I always thought I had a Shatanic spawn.

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to be fair: was the infliction of pain towards a goal?

Like bee stings to defeat the Lyme?

I've poisoned myself with herbs to try to get rid of parasites.

That which does not kill you just serves to make you tell other people: Don't Fucking Try This At Home!

So, it's not like we sought out harm like Cutters and those peope who pierce themselves with surgical tools.

The perversness of this world does filter into our thoughts or dismissal of wholesome thoughts and maybe actions because we are surrounded by carnage all day every day. Knee Chi would have something tosay about that. I can't ever spell his name right.

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Patrick I have you to thank for writing this.. As you were persistent in getting me to explain what. I meant by the con of consciousness. Yes. You as awareness knows the con.. You as the avatar continues to battle the parasite... And it knows how to hook you so you keep playing.. Well maybe I am only speaking for myself.. We are all in this together pretending to be separate.

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Ok I am replying to this while I am waiting for the dentist......

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Are you REALLY waiting for the dentist or are you waiting for a program to inflict pain into your teeth under the Illusion of a Dentist?

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I had pain in my tooth and the dentist tells me there is no cavity and gave me a lesson of anatomy. Showed me a cranium (a real one from Haiti) of a 40 years old female. Explained to me that my wisdom teeth are pushing my teeth and it is causing some sensitivity. Seriously people…..I did not know this happens when you get older there is bone shifting in teeth due to low bone density. He gave me suggestions but told me there is no need to drill unless I really want to close the gap between the teeth.

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Most americans have their tonsils, appendix and wisdom teeth removed at an early age. Are you're fully in place?

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Yeah i got them all.

My dentist is totally against pulling teeth.

He explains everything like i m about to get tested at dental school.

He said it is always very hard to put implants and always best to keep the original teeth. I dont mean to re-route this topic in teeth talk.

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Continuum, babe.

There are nerve associations between each tooth and sets of organs. So a bad tooth can affect an organ or a bad organ can affect a tooth. Sounds like a circuit diagram to me. Back to the computer SIM thing again.

Teeth can be piezo electric conductors.

Bite on a piece of aluminum foil some time with fillings in your teeth.

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I dont have metal fillings.

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Lmao.. But seriously. Who invented the dentist? Who told us our teeth would rot without dental preventions?

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it used to be a barber a long time ago.

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All of our humor aside, the ONLY gauge for ANY input in this system is Pain.

Pain will tell you that you have a tooth problem even if there is no mirror. Even if there wasn't another human being dentist or not to look into your mouth. Even if you were blind, deaf, and dumb.

Pain is the only constant.

Outside of that are the interpretive levels of the game to try to explain it away.

As we all know NOTHING in what is called medicine has anything but deception to offer.

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I agree with pain in the system. It is NOT ALL PAIN but the needle in the scale seems to really lean toward and most time in the direction of pain.

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There are certain of us who learned to reset our threshold of pain so that unless it was totally debilitating we ignore it.

That is the level of pain that puts most pansies in the unloving clutches of dockwhores because they can't tolerate a 5 on a scale of one to 666.

So, in retrospect I would say that my entire life has been pain. Pleasure (if there is such a thing) is just the trick used in Hell to prevent desensitization to the constant pain. But that constant pain is still there.

That's just physical agony.

Then there are the folks that are tormented with mental grief.

Now, the brain is an organ so that reflects and organic dysfunction with the nervous tissue, but it is a special kind of torment.

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I'm still listening to your video!! Just popping down here to say how much I love it that you created it. Imagined it in!! 🤍 Ok back to listening!

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Thank YOU!!! I love that you have showed up on my reality screen of life, makes for a lovely reflection!

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The decode of the CODE. I love it!

The phrase "Cracking the code" reminds me of Humpty Dumpty on the chessboard of life.

Can't wait for future installments!

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interesting analogy with Humpty Dumpty. I'll have to ponder it!

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It makes me think of fractal selves ...... on the 3d chessboard with all the players.

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This is shown in some ways on the movie cube and hypercube.

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In Hypercube I think the only one that got a sense of that prison is the one with the knife that just started eating all of the infinite variations of those spawned inside the cube because... well... there was really no point to any of it other than the crafting of an inescapable prison.

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I never thought of it like THAT.


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wow, really interesting.. because I think that is what we are when we are not being OUR WHOLE SELF.. fractals make up the "parts" of the hologram, the disconnect from our OWN TRUTH.. and No one can put you together again but YOU.

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Yep, Just US...Not the Kings horses & not the Kings men ........

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in fact it is these 'nobility' who would push us off the wall in the first place.

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Ha ha, Yep. & all pieces on the 3D chessboard...i.e. kings Horses & kings men/pawns.

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I share the same train of thoughts.

I fully support the idea that we are a form of A.I. and consciousness is programming. But if it is true and all is coded then everything is pre set.....no?

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Yes, but with infinite choice. That is the paradox... In further post I intend to talk about the Nature of the Hologram. The Nature of Holographic reality.

in the first photo of the sunset, I describe how the Holographic reality works.

"If you divided a hologram into many parts, you would see the Whole in each of it's parts. Humanity is entrenched in this holographic reality.

Our biggest obstacle is that we can only see the parts, because we have forgotten the WHOLE.

Who we truly are is not the part we play in this reality, but the Whole who observe the play.

When we re-member that we are the Whole, that we are the Observer of the parts, and not the parts alone, we wake to our true nature as creators.

Meanwhile in our forgetting we have created an artificial structure and identity which is keeping us from the World we (intended) for the purpose of playing."

Our true power is when we awaken in this illusion and Use our Imagination to Image in with Awareness what we really want to experience here.

YOu are not the Avatar with a programmed consciousness, unplug from the program and USE our creativity, you OWN thoughts to create the world you wish to see.

Each of us intuitively KNOWS, when we have unplugged from the programs, even if it is only fleeting, and brought something genuine and New into our experience.

David Bohm calls it the Implicate and explicate order. The unfolding of who we really are.

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Yes, Bohm’s unfolding!


All the things in nature are together in one place.

Each thing is moved by nature’s pattern.

Signals give direction.


The whole divides in to parts. 🧬

The parts move around and in and out of each other.

Like water flowing in rivers 💦 and oceans 🌊 and changing into vapor 💨 and snow ⛄️❄️and ice 🧊.

The water flows in and out of creatures 🐿️ and plants 🌱.

Every part is circulating, round and round. 💫☄️🪐⛈️🦠🧬🌪️


Things unFold 🌱 then enFold 🍂 .


Everything in the UNIverse fits 🧩 because each part belongs to the ONE whole cosmic song 🎻 and dance 💃🏻.

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AbSOULutely! I am “currently in Colorado, heading for a river today! One of my favorite places to sit quietly and contemplate Life and reality, Nature holds all the secrets, and WATER carries all the information.

By Seeking the Truth in This Reality, we are Contributing to CREATING REALITY. WE are making the reality REAL by seeking and finding our TRUTH.. WE are the CREATORS EYES AND EARS, EMOTIONS, and ALL EXPRESSIONS…We have gotten lost in programming.

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Ah, The age old question of FREE WILL has been brought to the forefront. It can't be pre-set & given freewilly code at the same time...or can it? If we are writers of our own CODE.... Like the newest A.I. robots that can write code for themselves & build baby robots, replacement parts & factories. Are WE ..... an older version of THEM?

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I insist is not free will but the will to live free.

That changes the narrative.

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"That changes the narrative"... It's all in the Narrative they spin. It is up to us to IMAGE IN a new narrative.

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Almost poetic justice :)

I like a good flip of the narrative.

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The Avatar does not have free will, but you the Observer, the Awareness does. We are in a Holographic reality, The Whole is in all the parts. WE have been conditioned to accept the limits (the parts) of the Avatar and believe (focus on) the illusion and perceptions coded into the avatar.

But, when we Wake up, when we REAL EYES we are not the AVATAR, the unfolding of our Wholeness can be projected on to the Screen of reality.

This is what I intuitively feel is WHY those that project, lack, disease, negativity on to the screen, because they do not want us to know our power as creative AWARENESS.

I hope to continue to explore the Nature of the Holographic world we are Observing and interacting with, through these conversations.

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How innocent children victims of horrors fits in this "reality"? It is a question I cannot avoid to ask.

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The problem as I see it is dualism. I've had too many arguments with idiots who say that if there wasn't evil then we wouldn't know what good is. This brings us to Glen Kealey's view that the Ea-rth is a supercomputer that wants to experience the entirety of the Universe so it will have the beauty of kids running around in a playground side by side with those same kids or others being Palestined. The carnage, though is insatiable.

That harkens to the Lovecraft Ancient Gods such as Chthulu who are dispassionate, go about their thing, and don't even consider us as anything except perhaps a minor annoyance on their journey through madness.

NONE of that is acceptable.

However, if awareness, thought, or individua action alone could change this then the Ancient Ones, their Game and this planet would have gone dark a long, long time ago.

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Why then do they do everything to control our thoughts and our perception? To instill fear. To punish and kill. Because they know how powerful thought is.

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fear creates a unique “energy” and in my opinion is the energy the moves the machine that creates the sim.

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The Pen is mightier than the Sword. I've lived that.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13Author

I can't either, so the big question is HOW did we get here in the first place. How did we get "trapped" in the AVATAR. It is the AVATAR that is programmed to run its script in the simulation, YOu are the one on the outside Observing this AVATAR, until you wake up and realize that you are NOT the AVATAR, you have no power over the programming... This is what I am exploring, in my quest to understand WHY so many researchers, scientist/physicists, are saying that THOUGHTS CREATE REALITY. beLIEf is powerful. What we believe we SEE/experience as real in the world.

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 “A human being is part of the whole, called by us the Universe; a part limited by time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest- a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of  prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affections for a few persons closest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty. Nobody is able to achieve this completely but the striving for such achievement is part of liberation and the foundation of inner security.’      Albert Einstein

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Beautifully said Nature. Thank you for your articulation of what I am pointing to here. Even as I contemplate the nature of this experience and WHY it would be occurring, I am devoted to ending the programs that divide all of us, at least from my own perspective, I am finding my way back to Awareness!

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That's the point that we have to hash out.

Thoughts create the drawing so that you don't cut a board twice and it's still too short; but the CREATION of Reality is from putting the lumber in the table saw, breathing in the sawdust, and hammering the project together.

I was told "Thoughts are an action - unless met by another thought that stops that action."

A mild example:

Toxation is Theft.

I will not pay tribute.

If I don't pay tribute - they will kyll me.

Thought is not enough in a situation where the consequences are having the avatar evicted from the gamespace or not.

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well unless you do what Giordano Bruno did …..stop being afraid of death. He eventually became a martyr and understood things differently. He was an initiated man too.

So if people stopped being afraid of death the world would be like what?

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Yes. Its what we have to hash out...even this idea that thoughts create. They do obviously! those that created toxashun. And tell you that if you dont pay you will suffer have power over you. So we have to image in a new thought to change that paradigm

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When we wake up ....we get sent to the nuthouse! .... Just an observation on a 3d level. :)

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yea, or cancelled, or suicided.

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AND, are we THEIR Gods? It explains WHY they would want to kill us. Just sayin. :)

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yes it is like "turtles all the way down"

Technology seems to be mirroring who we really are and what we CAN IMAGINE IN.

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Ah, the never ending tesseract.

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