deletedMar 24Liked by Karafree
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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Karafree

Fleetwood Mac = Cocaine . When Stevie Nicks dumped what's his name, he married this woman named Carol. She wrote a book about Fleetwood Mac's rise as she witnessed it being the wife of what's his name. He plays guitar really good but he had a really bad cocaine habit. He was physically abusive to her most people don't know this but she wrote this book called Storms outlining Lindsay Buckingham's physical abuse to her. The first time you can blame it on the cocaine. The second time you put your hands around her throat, that's you. That isn't the cocaine. Talk about a malignant narcissist.

The Catholic Church takes Christ's name in vain. They don't teach real scripture. There's a reason why the pope wears a yarlmulke.

I don't say rabbit holes I dropped the t and call it Rabbi holes. I don't think that's a mistake. The planet's fucked up because judeo Satanism has completely inserted yourself between you and Jesus. I don't mean to sound preachy but Jesus does have some merit. I'd rather have him around than these mentally ill Orthodox Jews who rape their little boys in the showers, shave their women's hair off, they are so paranoid and xenophobic yet they impose themselves upon you. They buy everybody off in local government while your taxes go up.

So stay out of the rabbi holes.

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have you seen this?



Santa Claus Trauma


6 years ago

it's a bit long. I'm one of the ones that took it personally and will never forgive the lies.

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Mar 24Liked by Karafree

Row row row your boat…..

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24Liked by Karafree

You could have saved yourself a lot of time and just read THE SECRET. That's their entire new age manifesto. "We create our own reality." It's a slim volume that takes and hour or two to read through.

Personally I don't want to even try to imagine a world where everyone has created their own reality. It would be a nightmare.

A backdoor way to attempting to be your own god. And what power did we possess that we need to reclaim? I can't remember a single instance in the entire history of mankind where we had self-generated powers that are now lost to us.

If you want to judge the merits of God or Jesus on the basis of what other people have told you about them that's your choice, of course. Though I think it pales in comparison to having a real living relationship with God. If you did, you'd understand what the sacrament is and it's not eating Jesus' flesh like a cannibal.

Your son is alive. Why aren't you thanking God instead of endorsing violence and hatred with your friend? Why are you blaming the people who manufacture and distribute drugs instead of asking your son after his first experience with fentanyl why he kept choosing it again and again until he was hopelessly addicted? That answer may help him break his chains. Hating or wanting to kill everyone who makes or sells fentanyl to him likely won't.

I know what I'm saying will likely not ingratiate myself to you, but that's not why I'm saying it. Hopefully you can see why I wrote it. If not today, maybe some day. God Bless.

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Most excellent ponderings of "reality" The great illusion. The holographic dream state of the simulation. simulacrum the great chessboard (changing of guards) and sky clock rendering of the machine .... "Human" farming for energy, loosh & interfacing the controller in the hand of those on the outside. Characters playing roles according to the script or data set points the sim puts out...i.e.... CREATION. Feedin the machine is what we do. What is the most sought after commodity? DATA.

2001-2012 was a data set point we never recovered from.... Changing of the guard.

Love all your thoughts put to 1's & 0's !!

Santa for me always represents Satan Claws The eye in the sky...The evillest watcher in human form.

Also, Our parents buying into consumerism based on if we OBEYED them or NOT.... It goes dark from that point on...... Don't get me started on easter.

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I love this write up, it totally speaks to me.

I went through a spiritual crisis at very young age and I was completely agains the catholic church. I saw it as the women haters and oppressors. And of course in my culture we do not have Satan Claws but Baby Jesus so if you thought a rabbit has hard time holding easter baskets, imagine a new born baby bringing toys to million of children!!!

Many rabbit holes I went thru just like you or anyone else. It helped me not to be religious because that removed some of my blinders, but on the other hand it placed other blinders……then all fell down and disintegrated in stages. For me the very first rabbit hole was children on ritalin in the US because our son was on this crap. Then I eventually removed it from him. Then my father death abd the horror of medical procedures got me into another rabbit hole and the food thingy…..and how all food we eat is all part of big AgriPHARM biotech ……the when I got lyme disease…..ohhh that was a big one. It completely destroyed my hope and “faith" in science. The vaccine rabbit hole got me to a whole different dimension. Now it was like I totally could made connection and everything evil made sense.

The definition of evil reshaped the word god for me that I had completely rejected 40 years earlier. At times I wished I was just like the others who did not had to question every single thing. But that is just not me.

Oh yes I used to make up lies the few times I did confession…..because in my head I never did a bad deed worth confessing. I refused to be confirmed (on of seven sacrament of catholic initiation ) at age 12 because I could not bear to kneel down.

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Whilst scampering about in the rabbi hole of mental illness, I came across Thomas Szaz and read The Myth of Mental Illness. While reading that I found the Malleus Maleficarum, the ultimate guide to identifying, testing and prosecuting witches https://archive.org/details/b31349717/page/n13/mode/2up . At the time I was surprised to find that Montegu Summers who wrote the introduction to the English translation, gushed at how timely and ultimately up to date this guide is even today (1946). I had to read it more than once to make sure I wasn't making it up. He also mentions the burning of witches at Smithfield. Mark Windows made a documentary about this called The Smithfield Martyrs. It is chilling that the abattoir where all these men and women were tortured and burned is now where people sit for lunch or walk around shopping oblivious to the history of the place.

Szaz was buried under the tidal wave of popularity of a pill for every manufactured ill. He pointed out the chicanery of shrinks, quackery of psychologizing anyone with the aim of drugging or jailing them, the collusion of psychiatry with legal processes., but he was a adopted by Scientology, so, surprise, there was a PR problem. He's not right about everything, but he's good at telling what is, describing how psychiatry tricks you with language, just like the lawyers do. https://www.szasz.com/szaszwri.html

I saw this for myself before I ever heard of Rabbi holes, in nursing homes where patients were medicated with Thorazine, Melarill and Haldol to keep them manageable. Compliant. An early version of what is going on in the Warehouse/Education/Prison complex these days.

Dr Bonkers has been on the case for much longer than I have. http://www.bonkersinstitute.org/medicineshow.html

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Blowin' my mind, AGAIN, Amy! Please, please, please -- don't EVER stop!!!

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