May 21Liked by Karafree

Thanks for your post.

A Brief History of NEOLIBERALISM

—David Harvey. Oxford University….www.oup.com

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More & more am seeing the onslaught of ‘Binary Choices & Thinking Only’ - and those who’s Coherent Perceptions & Appraisal - & Thinking Process include or consider a Wide Spectrum of Actual Reality are to be tuned out or turned upon ASAP.. Somehow I find Mainstream Headline ‘Journalism even lower on my Scale of Trust or Respect than simply Lying To Our Faces .. Social & Viral Media are simply Ripe for Propaganda Churning .. including Flood The Zone With Shit & all the Contemporary Goals Strategies Tactics Techniques & Tools of the Contemporary Coup D’état 🦎🏴‍☠️

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I try not to listen to mainstream.. I find my rivers deep in the forest where few seek to go

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Thank you for sharing my comments (and the comments of those I quoted myself, who informed my perspective on this subject). Like those 3D stereograms, once we learn the trick of seeing what's hidden before our eyes, whole other worlds open up to us. It is important we see, and understand, these 'invisible environments.' I enjoy your perceptive commentaries here also, David :-)

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Your work is very helpful. Im glad i found it. About those invisible environments.. There must also be the ones that will bring life back into respect and Harmony.

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Indeed, there must. We're working on it :-)

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