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Jun 8Liked by Karafree

Thank you for your beautiful and heartfelt post; it brought me to tears. We have cardinals come to our bkyd often. I too believe they are messengers from loved ones who have moved on to another dimension. Now when I see one or a couple, I usually see a male and female together, as I've read they mate for life, I will think of Jenna and Gunther and send them and you love through the aether. Oh, and I'm sure your fur babies are right there, waiting to greet you at the "After Party." They just went before you to sniff out the place to make sure it's safe for your arrival--eternal devotion.

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aww thank you so much! Yes they are mates for life, and I have watched this couple for 3 years now. They are more present in the late winter and early spring, I haven't seen them too much this spring until the other day when Jenna passed. But now they have been around continuously the last 2 days. It does help me tremendously to have them here, and helps me with my sadness. I am investigating into the nature of reality, and what is really happening when we collectively experience these things. Thank you for your comment!

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Jun 8Liked by Karafree

Sorry you are having to go through the loss of a soul companion. I recently dealt with such a loss. I cried through your article and was unable to respond right away. But I’ve been thinking a lot about loss of companions the past few months.

In my case, Pandora was only 3 but she was a true force of nature. An unrivaled athlete, faithful, attentive, and gentle. And completely misunderstood and unappreciated by everyone but me. And even though I have 3 other dogs with similar bonds, it was obvious that she was meant to be here at this time with me. We both grew in our short relationship. It forced me to think of things I always avoided. I was traveling but I knew when she passed and I’m still visited by her presence. More so the 1st month. So because of this persistent presence I’ve been trying to come to terms in my logical physics based monkey mind.

In the case of pets, I think our bond is related to interaction of the heart fields. And all animals are connected. All creation actually but more so with mammalian hearts. So people, dogs, cats, birds interact at this level. Not only is it a real time energy interaction but also at the quantum level. So as long as there is need for relationship with your soul companion there is a connection. It comes and goes depending on need. And you and/or soulmate(s) make that call when it feels necessary. I’m still finding her old toys and sweeping up her hair (gsd shedding). And every time I touch what was hers, I feel she is still there.

I look forward to Part 2.

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HI Mike, thank you for sharing your experience.. Pandora was only 3... OHHH NOOO! was she sick too? I am so sorry. I still feel robbed of more time with my own dogs, and how must they feel? They seem to take things in stride, so different from us humans. I had a dog, Henry.. the bullmastiff, he was my husband's favorite. He was wandering on a main drag here in town when he ran into a gas station and just jumped into my neighbor's car. He was in bad shape and scared of everything. As he got older, he was ornery. He would steal our shoes and then growl at us and bite us viciously if we tried to grab them back. Only my husband understood him and liked him in the final days. BUT, I still felt a horrible loss when he did leave us. He was loyal to protecting us. He hated a raised voice and he would prance up and walk right between anyone who was arguing. My boys wrestled in high school, but Henry wouldn't allow it at home, he had to get between them and break it up. NO one got in the front door without his approval.

I think you are on to something with the ENERGY aspect of the bond. I do think we are all connected, how so, I am not sure. I think there is good energy in this world and evil energy... that serves no good purpose as you know from my recent post.

Like you, these relationships with the animals really bring out truths within our own hearts, they ask us to LOOK closer at life, and what is important, they help us see our own shortcomings.. I know all my dogs were so very sensitive to my moods, my emotions. They really seemed to read my mind.

Good to know I am not the only one with a few dogs at the same time!!

I am sure it wasn't easy that you weren't there when she passed. One of my dogs over 28 years ago now, died while we were away on a vacation. I felt like I abandoned him in his hour!! Breaks my heart. I sensed too that he had gone. We were camping in the mountains and couldn't be reached , long before the cell phone, so it wasn't for 4 days before we got in touch with the sitter and it was confirmed.

Ugg LOL the shedding, NON stop, I could have made plenty of futons by now if I had saved it all up... or at least dog beds!

I do think too that we tap into some energy signature in the ether or whatever we are immersed in, the field, consciousness, the electromagnetic plasma field that we are all a part of. ON a different interpretation, I am concerned that some of this energy field of information is controlling and not from the good side of things... But, don't let that thought rest long in your mind.. I have only felt love and goodness in these experiences with the animals.

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I’ll get back later. Got a busted water pipe crisis now.

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Uh....you make me cry. My labrador Ira is almost 13 years old. She is fine, so much as she can be, still. She is "gold", because one boy on the street said to his Mum - Look at this dog, he is like gold...Last one, black labrador, she was buried near the cherry tree - I don't need to tell you that this tree now is the highest in the neighborhood....When this black labrador died, I wasn't good - but here, near us, is one little church, and priest is - can is say: man of people, and then he told me: "You can't do that, it's not your fault that dogs don't live as long as humans. Remember how blessed you are that that dog spent his life walking by your side. God gives, God takes away"....I always remember his words....Thank you, dear Kara for sharing your feelings with us. So nice place where you live. God bless you and all your family. Be good. Bye

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I am glad to hear that you too feel blessed to have such a wonderful friendship with your dogs. That is neat about the dog Being Gold... yes they are precious, they have taught me way more in life then many humans.

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I don't know why, when I hit like, it didn't mark...because, Jeanne told me to do that, and I am - but?!...ah, Ok, never mind. Say hallo to Jeanne, please. Many hugs to you, and to all your dearest, and to Jeanne, of couse. Much greetings from hot Croatia. Thank you for this wonderful text, again...if I repeat hundred times, it wouldn't be enough.

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aww thank you for your support. My daughter recently went to Croatia, she loved it, and the photos were beautiful.. Thank You Alexosijek.. I will send a note to Jeanne for you!!

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I felt my boys being touched wile reading this. Thank you, and I am waiting for part 2.

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thank you.. read the comment right above, for a preview, and the comment and answer by artermix above.

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Throughout all of this we must observe the Cardinal Rule:

I have NEVER seen a FLOCK of cardinals in my entire life.

It means something.

Don't know what it means but it means something.

Waiting for Part 2.

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One thing I can think of is the hive mind is a version of a "flock"

we were all discussing the appearance of the Cardinal that day while walking. It was on all of our minds, There were 6 of us on the walk, not that the number matters, or does it "MATTER" we were walking past the field of buffalo, which was Gunther's favorite thing to do, he was fascinated with the Buffalo. When suddenly the Cardinals started landing on the fencing all around us. They were flying out of the woods, landing on the ground. They were everywhere and more and more were coming out of the woods.. It was crazy strange! Did we all create this experience collectively, Did the hive mind virus pick it up, and produce it onto the SCREEN of our perception? Thanks for the question, you are helping me develop my reasoning.

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Me Deer Old Mum was a birdwatcher long before the 1960s so I've been aware of city and country animals for years. Never seen a flock - ever.

https://birdfact.com › articles › what-is-a-group-of-cardinals-called

What is a Group of Cardinals Called? (Complete List + Why)

Do all Cardinals flock together? Not all cardinals join flocks in the winter. Some remain isolated in their pairs and don't join a flock or only join if a flock happens to be passing nearby. Flocks are quite fluid, and birds come and go as they please. In early spring, cardinals start detaching themselves from flocks to establish territories.

https://worldbirds.com › cardinal-bird-facts

15 Cardinal Bird Facts You Didn't Know (2022) | World Birds

Cardinal pairs will actually join forces in their quest for sustenance. Temporary flocks consisting of 5 or more pairs band together. Flocks of cardinals can get as large as 70 birds during wintertime and often nest in bushy thickets. A flock of cardinals is called a college, radiance, conclave, or Vatican.

https://www.birdsandblooms.com › birding › birding-basics › cardinal-bird-facts

11 Fascinating Northern Cardinal Bird Facts - Birds and Blooms

Nov 9, 2023Cardinal flocks with as many as 100 birds have been reported, but these are rare, and gatherings of six to 20 are more typical. Your flock of three dozen was bigger than average." Do cardinals eat suet from bird feeders? Both Male and Female Cardinals Sing Courtesy Ava Huffman Female cardinals sing to communicate with males.

https://highparknaturecentre.com › 8-things-you-might-not-know-about-northern-cardinals

8 Things You Might Not Know About Northern Cardinals

Feb 6, 20238 Things You Might Not Have Known About Northern Cardinals. ... Flock Together; Despite their territorial nature during the breeding season, Northern Cardinals let their guard down in the winter. They will form flocks with many different species of birds like Dark-

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One thing that came to mind when you emphasized Flock in your first comment and the importance was the pope and the vatican.. so!! interesting about your second link.

Why does the demonic vatican, use the cardinal symbolically? What's the connection/significance?

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Sometimes I think that the A.I. is like:

They'll LOVE this one and then pops in a mind-bending link.

I saw that but I couldn't make sense of it.

cardinal /kär′dn-əl, kärd′nəl/


1. Of foremost importance; paramount.

"a cardinal rule; cardinal sins."

2. Dark to deep or vivid red.

3. Of fundamental importance; preëminent; superior; chief; principal.

I've never deconstructed it to this level. We take so many things for granted and at face value.

So Cardinal means Red Bird in the same way you could call a Blue Jay a Muted-Blue-Gray whose color will match the decor of your couch... Bird...

So are Cardinals cardinals because they wear Red?

And are Popes popes because they wear white and black?

If a pope falls in the forest and there's no one there to hear him cuss in Italian - does he make a sound?

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The pope is the greatest of illusionist, the master of hypnosis, he makes you see what he wants you to SEA, and he makes you blind too his workings/fallings.. Latin is probably the true spell caster not Italian.

You do KNOW that they take Sacred beauty, and turn it around. The Cardinal is the most dedicated bird, and a loyal mate. I have seen the father feeding it's young and guiding it while the fledgling learns to fly.. The Cardinal male is there to over watch and protect for the greater good.. The vatican took this loyality, this perseverance and protection of its offspring and turned it around to control, dominate and steal from all life. It's only goal is to steal all wealth from the flock, to take the flock down, to harm, to destroy..opposite of the Cardinal bird, opposite of Nature

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Opposite Dei

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Thanks for that list. I had planned to look it up later. I grew up in the North, on Lake Erie, where winters are pretty rough, like Chicago.. Lake effect. Cardinals were one of the most visible/well known of the birds. NEVER saw a flock of them. Now I am in the mid south were winters are mild, and food is still plentiful in the winter. There were well over 100 of them that day. But I see it is not as unusual as I thought.

Last night it was beautiful once again. We sat out back while the cardinal couple came again and hung out in the wisteria. This time though I put out some seeds after they showed up. She would come around and chirp for him to join her. She wouldn't come down to the feeder until he appeared and sat in the tree above her, watching over her, then he would come down too. Our other dogs were out with us, but they peacefully sat and just watched the couple as they hopped around in the yard, I was worried they would jump up and chase them away, but the dogs seemed to know to just let them be.

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i'll still maintain that it is unusual. What are the odds that two Northerners have never seen this before? I've been hyperobservant since youth. Even the dogs knew.

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I believe the number matters.

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Oak Tree.

Dog head Profile.

Beyond the probability of possibility.

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SEE!!! That's what I'm saying!!! thanks for the validation. What are the odds of that? And three years later STILL growing that way.

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Lawdy, chile! Dat dawg be biggah den you is!

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He was a gentle giant, but don't tell that to someone who came knocking at the door.

One day I was walking him down the street. He stopped next to a parked van. behind the van another car pulled up and parked. The Guy got out, he saw me but didn't see Gunther because the van was blocking his view. Gunther continued to sniff away until the guy stepped up on the side walk just a few feet from me. I was ready for it, but the guy wasn't.. When Gunther Lunged at him with a growl and teeth showing and barking. The guy literally flew backwards. Some neighbors were out and saw the whole thing. I could hear them saying DAMN good thing she was strong enough to hold him back. I just laughed. If Gunther wanted to he would have pulled free from me easily, nothing I could do to hold him back. He was doing what he was designed to do, keep predator's away from me. All he had to do was "ACT" That dog never bit anyone, and never even bit another dog who threatened him, He was sweet as ever, it was all a show. He counted on my to hold him back as much as I counted on him to protect me.

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you can tell he was sweet just from the pictures.

I'll bet the guy has a permanant stain in his undies.

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Before the drop, they stated that the piano weighed 700 pounds and would be dropped 50 feet above the roof. Right before impact, the piano would be traveling at 38 mph and have an impact force of 12,000 pounds.

Yeah... puppy was holdin' back.

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IN movies where the guy catches the girl as she slips off the ledge, or cliff and holds her....Impossible. my little arm, as strong as I am, could never hold back the force of a 120lb dog lunging at full force..

One time I was sitting out front with him when a guy came by walking his dog. This time Gunther was NOT going to be held back. I didn't let go of his leash when he lunged forward... he dragged me across the lawn on my belly trying to get to the other dog.

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Beautiful and touching write up. So many memories you have. It is always difficult to hear about the pain of loosing a pet. I am not sure about the entire re-incarnation process. I read about reincarnation for years and my first book at age 12…..was about “proofs” of people who had lived in other lives and reincarnated. I am starting to think as consciousness as memory bites in a computer. Is that us?

The photos are as usual fantastic!!

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Thank you!

What if these proofs were only proof of 'tapping into a hive mind"? So yes, you are on to what I am thinking about these days.. bytes, programs in a computer, but, hacked programs, by a virus, a parasitic hive mind that reads and duplicates the memory, in it's host. The virus lives on after the host dies. The memory is installed into a new host when the host becomes infected.

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We are talking about deaths of one individual and births of another one not related genetically not knowing the stories of previous living person....these people had memories of events and often displayed marking on the body of were the decesead individual was hit or hurt when in life.

I read the book in the 70's ....it was a study of reincarnation cases in tribles of villages of various parts of the world. I really should look for the original title in English as mine was an adaptation from Eng to Ita. Of course today I am so conscious about people fibbing for profits that it all could have been made up.....right??

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I don't buy into the genetic inheritance of past trauma.. The trauma of our ancestors is not genetically passed down. I know this is a popular belief. But I don't buy it. What I am exploring is that there is a parasitic virus or program within the simulation that is installed into fetus during gestation.. I also think that some of us are more able to connect with this Ether, or program, or what some call the Akashic record, this explains why they "THINK" or beLIEve that they are remembering a past life, when in truth they are tapping into a "CHARACTER" from the past...or even the future. They (people who experience false memory of past life) are tapping into a memory program stolen by the parasitic virus entity that has infiltrated OUR REALITY.

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Exactly....this was clear in the book. There was NO GENETIC CONNECTION.

The individuals were from villages miles apart.

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right, this is what makes me think that it is a memory installed, a file, a program, NOT an actual former life being recalled, but a storyline being tapped into. When we die, everything about us ENDS with that death. BUT what if the GUT BACTERIA, or a parasite within the body as access to the Memory or the individual, and copies it and moves on after the death, leaves the body, and brings this information when it enters a new host?

This is why MOST of us have no recollection of a past life.. BECAUSE WE DIDN'T have a past life. Those of us who think we are remembering something are tapping into a "FILE" or a memory coming from the parasite within us. What the hell really is this GUT BACTERIA that is our second MIND and is communicating with us???? Let's not forget also that when the baby travels through the vaginal canal at birth it is being exposed to this bacteria, that is present in the mother.

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I'm sorry for your loss.

The two newborn kids I so carefully carried to the barn a few weeks ago were taken by coyotes a few days later.

Death is part of life.

There are six more now.

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OHHH NO NO NO!!! I am so sorry to hear. They found a way into the barn? Well life keeps giving.. 6 more!!!!! YAY. and death keeps taking... The crazy thing is there is no stopping either, We wake up each day thinking we are taking all the right precautions, but we just never know.

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It is my contention that pets teach us how to live in the eternal now.

And how to grieve the loss of loved ones. Among other things as well!

Grieve well Kara, and have a fantastic weekend! 💖🍻

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Thank you, I think you are so right. They learn through time, yet the concentrate on what is most important in each moment. I know dogs Love, value loyalty, have fear, take responsibility seriously, love to learn, and observe life, value play time, and want to please. Suddenly looks like rain around here, the house got very dark... but, yes I will enjoy my weekend! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend too!

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You’re welcome Kara.

Rainy days are good for reading. 😁

And thank you, I will do that very thing. 💖

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Jun 7Liked by Karafree

Your life stories are interesting and stir me to contemplation.

Your awareness/connection to nature and your fourlegged family members shows that you are a very caring and compassionate person. Keep sharing your writings please.

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Thank you OK. I thought I had responded to your comment earlier but now I do not see it. Thank you for your compliment and encouragement to continue. Yes, I do feel so much compassion for the suffering in this world. and I do Love the animals, the beauty of Nature, and the desire to see that we come back to balance!

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Jun 9Liked by Karafree

Compassion is one of the three attributes of an immortal soul. The other two being intuition and imagination. That is from Jason Breshears.

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I do like Jason!!! Well, I do feel I have all three!! Thanks for that! I am pretty sure you do too, from the compassionate comments you have left for me and others!

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Lovely... I'm not sure why I'm crying...AGAIN.

Our fur babies sure take us on an emotional bipolar roller coaster.

I'm so sorry for your loss.💔

Hugs 🐦🐦🐦

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I know right!! I was crying one minute and laughing the next at all the good memories while writing it! Thanks Jeannette!!

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A sad but lovely story. It is always tough to lose a pet, especially one that you have bonded so closely with. I had two of my cats wind down and die of old age, both of them eventually taking their last breaths next to me while I stayed close to comfort them.

There is something deeply spiritual about being with an animal when they breath those last breaths. You can't help but sink into a bit of a reverie regarding the deep and universal aspects of the life cycle.

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Thank you so much, yes, I can't help but WANT that our lives are meaningful, that the relationships we have with loved ones, and the animals mean more than what is experienced in the blink of an eye, in just one short life. The animals are here for such a short time, yet their impact on our lives, our hearts, emotions, and the memories mean more than anything else in our life adventures. As sad as it is, I am glad that you were there for your cats, I can only imagine that it comforts them as we are comforted by the presence of others when our time comes.

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